A mental fitness community for all.
Conquer confusion. Overcome overwhelm. Defeat disorganization.

The Cabrera Mental Fitness Hub is a premium network for for novices and experts committed to the daily practice of scientifically-sound systems thinking. Build skills every day through community dialogue, expert-led courses, micro credentials, 1-on-1 mentoring, live events, interactive challenges, and peer feedback. Get better every day.
Why should you join the CMF Hub? Because the best way to master systems thinking is to make incremental progress with a community of people committed to daily practice. Our motto is Mental Fitness For All (MF4A). Incrementally doing small, simple [often seemingly banal or unimportant] things over and over again, brings about all the big, complex, meaningful results we want. Whether it's learning systems thinking, building a great democracy, a great organization, or great life, focusing on daily practice brings about the big picture.
What makes the CMF Hub different?
CMF Hub is based on three organizing principles:
ANY PERSON, ANY SYSTEM: We welcome novices and experts alike. In fact, we believe that a community of novices and experts, scientists and practitioners is the ideal. One of the best ways to learn is to teach. So we utilize mentors to create a learning-win-win where they benefit by teaching you and you benefit from being mentored. In turn, you’ll get a chance to mentor others as you progress;
DAILY DOING: We focus on daily things you can do to incrementally improve your knowledge and application of systems thinking. We therefore focus on doing systems thinking, not talking or philosophizing about it. In over 25 years of research and practice, we have found that the best way to master systems thinking is to make incremental progress within a community of people committed to daily practice;
FOLLOW THE SCIENCE: We focus on scientifically-sound systems thinking for which there is an empirical basis. There are no dumb questions, but there are dumb answers and there are far too many opinions offered that are not backed by data. We also follow the science of teaching and learning in everything we do. You might say science is our “platform” because what we do is built on scientific principles.
Top 10 Things We'll Do Together
1. Solve your problems alongside people with common challenges and pain-points as you...
2. Avoid costly and painful thinking errors and cognitive biases...
3. Build practices and habits that are nearly impossible to do on your own…
4. Get answers to questions that don’t have easy or obvious answers…
5. Be better problem solvers by starting with understanding the system…
6. Make better decisions that are in alignment with the way the system behaves…
7. Join step-by-step program with others and learn and work faster and more efficiently…
8. Access premium content and get 1-on-1 help from expert guides to achieve your goals…
9. Design, build, and lead an adaptive, vision-focused organization...
10. Together, build a better world (or your small part of it)...